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is a subscription to a 24 hour, 7 days a week phone service. It will warn you in case of any problem or damage with your car parked in a public or private area.

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Wat ?

When your vehicle is parked, you don’t necessarily have it under surveillance …
« CALL ME FOR MY CAR » is the link between you and your vehicle.
You will be easily informed if your car has been caused damaged to or is parked in a prohibited area.It will save you time and money and a lot of worries.

Why subscribe ?

Parking in big cities gets more and more difficult and your vehicle may be towed away. Why ?

« No Parking » signs hardly visible or not respected

Parking on a prohibited area (private garage, restricted area, …)

Long-term parking on an area where road-work is planned……..
Parking on a delivery zone
Parking on a disabled parking spot, on a pavement, within 5 metres from a pedestrian crossing, …

Via « Call me for my Car », ce témoin peut nous donner les informations importantes que nous vous transmettrons directement. 

Et vous serez prévenu directement au lieu de découvrir la mauvaise nouvelle en reprenant votre véhicule x heures plus tard sans plus un seul témoin sur place..

The solution

« CALL ME FOR MY CAR » visibly placed on your windscreen with only one phone number to call, our number +32 (0)2 880.80.33, will allow us to contact you if your vehicle needs to be moved immediately.


How to Subscribe?

The sticker « CALL ME FOR MY CAR » visibly placed on your windscreen with only one phone number to call, our number +32 (0)2 880.80.36 (Belgium – Luxembourg – Netherlands ) & +33(0)4 6543 0836 (France – Monaco – Switzerland), will allow us to contact you if your vehicle needs to be moved immediately.

1/ You can subscribe online.

2/ Your private information and data will remain confidential. We just need your first name, phone number, e-mail address and a description of your vehicle. The callers do not receive any information about the registered clients.
3/ Once the payment is received, our service will be available.
4/ You’ll get by mail a sticker to be placed visibly on your windscreen.

The Solution


Thanks to our unique phone number « CALL ME FOR MY CAR », anyone noticing that your vehicle is offending or contravening can call our service. We will get all information about the situation and call you so you can do immediately what is necessary.

It will spare you so many troubles. It will protect your vehicle as an alarm system.

Save Time and Money

Thanks to « CALL ME FOR MY CAR » you will save :

The price of a fine ( 58 ou 116 € )

The price of the impound and towing of you car ( from 250 up to more 500 € in some cases )
And time in adminstrative procedures

An Agknowledged Service


This service has been tested on a panel of drivers for 3 years and as proved to be very successful.
Thoroughly satisfied with the results, we have decided to open this subscription to everybody.

« CALL ME FOR MY CAR » has been acknowledged by the I.P.A. Brussels Brabant

(Brussels Brabant International Police Association).

Treat yourself to the online subscription

1 year subscription

at Call Me For My Car
  • 24/24 7/7 Call Service Alarm
  • 2,92 € / MONTH

2 years subscription

Enter your description
  • 24/24 7/7 Call Service Alarm
  • 2,71 € / MONTH

3 years subscription

Enter your description
  • 24/24 7/7 Call Service Alarm
  • 2,64 € / MONTH
Belgique – Pays-bas – Luxembourg

+32 2 880 80 36

24h/24 - 7J/7

France – Suisse – Monaco

+33 4 6543 0836

24h/24 - 7J/7